Liftoff by Bottle Rocket

TikTok: The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back

Bottle Rocket Season 3 Episode 2

This week on Liftoff by Bottle Rocket, Tony and Peter dig into some heavy themes around TikTok, Data, Privacy, and your Data as a Currency. 

How much are you willing to trade for your privacy? How much is your data worth to you

TikTok may be a video sharing platform, a social media app, or a way to make fun videos… But actually it’s a rally cry. 

Perhaps we need to have a better understanding of the value that our activities across the global digital ecosystem bring to entities.

Is thumbing through 60 second videos worth forfeiting your privacy and data?

Episode References:

Amazon told employees to delete TikTok from phones, citing security risks, then changed its mind

Redditor who reverse-engineered the TikTok app claims it's a huge data collection scheme

Daily Crunch: TikTok’s CEO resigns

TikTok To Sue Trump Administration Over Ban

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